Reflections about leadership in higher education: A Chilean case




leadership; higher education; university administration; leadership development programs


In this article we present the reflections of the first author in relation to her experience in different leadership positions in higher education in Chile. We explore her 12 years of university leadership experience through the lens of significant activities and responsibilities in each of the positions she held, the main challenges encountered, lessons learned, and topics that can and should be addressed in leadership development programs. Based on these reflections, recommendations are made for successful leadership in higher education and topics for leadership development programs are identified.

Author Biographies

Fernanda Kri Amar, University of Santiago Chile

Dr Fernanda Kri is Rector (President) in O’Higgins University in Chile and she is a full Professor in the University of Santiago of Chile, where she has been Provost and Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs. Her experience includes roles in the Chilean Ministry of Education. She has led projects in higher education as quality assurance, curriculum innovation and equity in access.

Shelleyann Scott, University of Calgary

Dr Shelleyann Scott is a full Professor in Leadership at the University of Calgary. She has held numerous leadership roles in Canada and Australia. Her research encompasses: leadership and leadership development in universities and K-12 contexts. She is the President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE).

Donald Scott, University of Calgary

Dr Donald Ernest Scott is an Associate Professor in Leadership in Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Don’s experience spans K-12 and universities and has held numerous leadership positions within the K–12 sector.  Don’s research focuses on professional and academic development, leadership development, and quality teaching and learning.




How to Cite

Kri Amar, F., Scott, S., & Scott, D. (2023). Reflections about leadership in higher education: A Chilean case. International Journal for Leadership in Learning, 23(1), 213–235.