About the Journal
The International Journal for Leadership in Learning (IJLL) promotes the study and discussion of substantive leadership issues that are of current concern in educational communities and other dynamic workplaces. Preference is given to original research, articles, book reviews, editorials, and commentaries that focus upon leadership and leadership development issues that influence work, learning and development, life, health and wellbeing, and culture in schools, universities, colleges, educational academies, and learning organizations.
Submissions can take various forms:
- articles on current quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods original research;
- reports on innovative programs;
- position papers; and
- reflective commentaries on published submissions.
Open Access Statement
International Journal for Leadership in Learning is a diamond open access journal that provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports the greater global exchange of knowledge.
Authors will never be charged to submit or publish a manuscript through International Journal for Leadership in Learning, and all articles will be made available under a Creative Commons license, as indicated in the Copyright Notice section under Submission Guidelines.
Digital Archiving Policy
This journal is archived with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) Preservation Network and Scholars Portal Journals. These programs offer a decentralized and distributed preservation, perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.
Deposit Policy or Self-Archiving
Under the terms of the Creative Commons license, authors are permitted to post their work online in institutional/disciplinary repositories or on their own websites. Pre-print versions posted online should include a citation and link to the final published version in International Journal for Leadership in Learning as soon as the issue is available; post-print versions (including the final publisher's PDF) should include a citation and link to the journal's website.